
School Journalism

Learn how to write news and advertisements, report, interview, and start a career in media

Training Program

1 Searching for information and choosing a topic

1. Goals and Objectives of Journalism;
2. The role of information in the work of a journalist;
3. Properties of information;
4. Methods of gathering information;
5. Types of news;
6. The angle and presentation of information;
7. Ways to create a news story;
8. Working with eyewitnesses on the scene.

2 Plan a news story and create a headline

1. Structure of a news story;
2. Placement of the material in the news;
3. Searching for a news story;
4. Rules of newsjacking;
5. Platforms for analysis of current topics;
6. Criteria for eventfulness;
7. News topic preparation;
8. Title requirements.

3 Writing a news story

1. Writing a classic news story;
2. An extended news story;
3. Signs and properties of a memo;
4. Subgenres of a news story;
5. The use of marker words;
6. Writing a lead paragraph;
7. The main part of the note;
8. Examples of successful and unsuccessful notes.

4 Report

1. Structure and types of reportage;
2. Distinctive features of the genre;
3. Stages of work on the reportage;
4. Forms of author’s presence;
5. Types of standup;
6. Standup stamps;
7. Choosing and finding a topic for a reportage;
8. Working with a low-event story.

5 Internet news journalism

1. Differences between print and online media;
2. Rules for rewriting material;
3. Types of the repricing;
4. Technical parameters of the text;
5. Keywords and phrases;
6. SEO-optimization of the text;
7. Directions in copywriting;
8. Searching for orders for a copywriter.

6 Analytical article

1. Signs of the analytical genre;
2. Working on an analytical article;
3. Theme, problem and idea of the material;
4. Structure and design of the article;
5. Collection of facts and evidence;
6. Options for presenting information;
7. Requirements for arguments;
8. Types of reviews.

7 Art sketches

1. Art-publicistic genre;
2. Works of the genre;
3. Distinguishing features of the essay;
4. Types of essays;
5. The image of the place, the hero and the event;
6. Problematics and the idea of the essay;
7. Elements of artistic style;
8. The classical composition of the essay.

8 Interview

1. Forms of interview organization;
2. Types of interviews;
3. Setting questions and types of questions;
4. Rules for formulating questions;
5. Ways to structure communication;
6. Plan of preparation for the interview;
7. Style of dialogue;
8. Interview by degree of preparedness.

9 Press release

1. Goals of a press release;
2. Elements and structure of a press release;
3. Target audience of a press release;
4. Headline options;
5. Successful and unsuccessful examples of headlines;
6. Functions and types of lead;
7. Requirements for the main text;
8. Rules for the design of the text.

10 Creating a finished media product

1. The media creation process;
2. Choosing a media format;
3. The strategy of forming the numbers;
4. Research of the target audience;
5. Structure of the editorial board;
6. The editor’s work in the media;
7. The legal basis for the work of a journalist;
8. Code of Professional Ethics.




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